The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) is a specific kind of Neurofeedback that operates much more rapidly than traditional Neurofeedback.
Invented by Dr. Len Ochs, LENS uses a very precisely timed, very low energy electromagnetic field.
How low? Less than 1/1000th that of a cell phone. So low that it is almost undetectable.
The electrical signal travels from the sensors on the scalp, to a computer where a technician monitors your brainwave activity, moment to moment. The system sends a signal back to the brain producing a measurable change in the brainwaves without any effort from the client.
As the brainwaves change, many symptoms that have their basis in central nervous system dysfunction begin to improve. Clients report greater relaxation, sense of ease, and emotional resilience. This can manifest as mood improvement in people with anxiety, depression, and explosiveness.